Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Pancake Day/Amazing pasta

Pancakes, lemon juice, white granulated sugar.

Pancakes fried in butter, in a good pan. I would explain how to make pancake batter, but it wouldn't be helpful, as I did it like this.

Overestimate half a pint of milk; beat an egg into it; then beat flour into that until the batter is thick enough to work - this is thinner than you would think!

So as that is useless, I will describe the incredible Italian Pasta recipe I had given to me by Italians. Don't try to adapt this: I wondered aloud about that once, and got shouted at by irate Italians for doing so. This recipe is perfect already.


Pasta of your choice!

125ml 18.5% cream, (pouring cream, whatever)
an onion,
a handful of frozen prawns,
a courgette.

chop the onion into strips, the slice the courgette not too thickly.
Slow-fry the onion in olive oil until it softens, then add the courgette. When the courgette is softening, add the frozen prawns.
Things will get a bit wet as the prawns defrost. Once they have defrosted, fry for another couple of minutes, then put the gas on minimum, and pour on the cream. Let the mixture simmer, while stirring, for no more than 5 minutes.

Time everything so after that 5 minutes your pasta is also cooked.

Then serve together. This, by the way, was for 2 people. It's fantastic, too.

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